
After David being diagnosed with a rare chromosome "genetic" disorder I was referred to a web site called rarechromo.org and I found there facebook page for parents who have children with a rare chromosome disorder. There is approximately 3 families that are registered in the United States and most of the families are registered in the UK. My son was tested by his Metabolic and Genetic doctor for Fragile X Syndrome and even though he had the defect of the "X" chromosome he did not have Fragile X. It's not until 3 years later that he got tested for the deletion of his genetic chromosome and therefore diagnosing him properly. I recommend that ALL parents have their children tested by a genetic doctor, you just never know what you'll find out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No sleep for the restless

David has been going through his stages of not wanting to sleep when prompt to do so, he gets very excited before bed time and refuses to sleep in his room. When I lay him to bed I count to three and turn off the lights and usually he will knock out within minutes, but lately he gets out of bed and begins to play with his musical toys, I enter the room and in the dark sits my little boy laughing at the lights. So, I say to him "meme time" and direct him to my room where he flops on my king size bed and makes himself at home. With in a few minutes he falls asleep, next to his daddy, who he loves to push to the edge of the bed.

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