
After David being diagnosed with a rare chromosome "genetic" disorder I was referred to a web site called rarechromo.org and I found there facebook page for parents who have children with a rare chromosome disorder. There is approximately 3 families that are registered in the United States and most of the families are registered in the UK. My son was tested by his Metabolic and Genetic doctor for Fragile X Syndrome and even though he had the defect of the "X" chromosome he did not have Fragile X. It's not until 3 years later that he got tested for the deletion of his genetic chromosome and therefore diagnosing him properly. I recommend that ALL parents have their children tested by a genetic doctor, you just never know what you'll find out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One voice vs. Five Board Members

On Oct.23, 2012 I attended my first Board Meeting in order to speak about my concerns regarding my son's teacher Mr. Hansen. I was nervous because I was the only parent there and even though the other parent's couldn't make it, I had to over come my nerves because I'm not one to speak in front of people. Once I got to the front and began my complaint I started to feel better, then BAM one of the Board Members interrupted me and said "please don't use the teachers name"...what? I just used his name 3x and the reason why I kept saying his name is that I want everyone to remember his name.... MR. HANSEN. What ever happened to freedom of speech and isn't this a public meeting?
Anyways, I asked if I could continue and she said go ahead, so I had to keep reading and hopes that they got the picture. Once I was done they said I could file a compliant with Martinrex Kedziora, the assistant superintendent, so I got the form and began to fill it out. They gave me extra paper just in case. I noticed at the meeting that Mrs. Villa (ex-principle of Sunnymead) was there to receive an award with other principles for increasing their test scores, once they received their awards everyone left, but she stood. She heard what I had to say and I know she will inform Mr. Hansen because they are close. She always backed him up and covered for him, now she is no longer there since Monday. Once I finished my compliant Mr. Kedziora's secretary asked if I had anything else to put, I told her there is too much to put.
Well it's up to the Board to inform the teacher and have him respond to the complaint, Mr. Hansen is a good "bullshitter" he makes things look good and sound good to anyone who doesn't see what I see, so my notes will go against his notes...and the battle will begin.
I will not stop until my son get's the proper and best education possible.

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