
After David being diagnosed with a rare chromosome "genetic" disorder I was referred to a web site called rarechromo.org and I found there facebook page for parents who have children with a rare chromosome disorder. There is approximately 3 families that are registered in the United States and most of the families are registered in the UK. My son was tested by his Metabolic and Genetic doctor for Fragile X Syndrome and even though he had the defect of the "X" chromosome he did not have Fragile X. It's not until 3 years later that he got tested for the deletion of his genetic chromosome and therefore diagnosing him properly. I recommend that ALL parents have their children tested by a genetic doctor, you just never know what you'll find out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One voice vs. Five Board Members

On Oct.23, 2012 I attended my first Board Meeting in order to speak about my concerns regarding my son's teacher Mr. Hansen. I was nervous because I was the only parent there and even though the other parent's couldn't make it, I had to over come my nerves because I'm not one to speak in front of people. Once I got to the front and began my complaint I started to feel better, then BAM one of the Board Members interrupted me and said "please don't use the teachers name"...what? I just used his name 3x and the reason why I kept saying his name is that I want everyone to remember his name.... MR. HANSEN. What ever happened to freedom of speech and isn't this a public meeting?
Anyways, I asked if I could continue and she said go ahead, so I had to keep reading and hopes that they got the picture. Once I was done they said I could file a compliant with Martinrex Kedziora, the assistant superintendent, so I got the form and began to fill it out. They gave me extra paper just in case. I noticed at the meeting that Mrs. Villa (ex-principle of Sunnymead) was there to receive an award with other principles for increasing their test scores, once they received their awards everyone left, but she stood. She heard what I had to say and I know she will inform Mr. Hansen because they are close. She always backed him up and covered for him, now she is no longer there since Monday. Once I finished my compliant Mr. Kedziora's secretary asked if I had anything else to put, I told her there is too much to put.
Well it's up to the Board to inform the teacher and have him respond to the complaint, Mr. Hansen is a good "bullshitter" he makes things look good and sound good to anyone who doesn't see what I see, so my notes will go against his notes...and the battle will begin.
I will not stop until my son get's the proper and best education possible.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Stuck in the middle of a broken system

My son who is delayed in speech but can function if the PECS system was used more often, he is still in diapers but is mobile. Unlike his other class mates who are either on a wheelchair or with a severe disability, they need more attention because of their health issues so my son gets kind of lost in this 6th grade class. He is not autistic, he is not on a wheelchair with health issues, he doesn't have down syndrome or CP, his in the middle.
He can do activities that require consistency and have structure, but once you take that from him he becomes out of sync and refuses to do or learn anything. Mr.Hansen is a lousy teacher at Sunnymead, the man doesn't do anything, so the kids just sit around on the floor, wheelchairs, rubber seats or basically on the floor. There is not structure and the aides work at such a fast and unorganized way, because Mr. Hansen has no leadership. I've made my complaints to the special education department and all they suggested is to give Mr.Hansen more support and new tools to make his class better, well that was a waste of time because Mr.  Hansen only does what he wants to do regardless of the support from the district and new tools from other teachers.
The district refused my son's transfer to another school which wold have been better but their reason was that they don't have the services that David needs or room at Landmark. They admitted that David's services or program are not available for 6th grade within the district so they felt it was for his best interest to be put with the severe kids.
You would think that if the district knows there is a problem in my son's class they would do something about it to avoid a law suit, you would think that the district knows that they are in desperate need of better programs/services for students like my son and would provide that kind of class environment.
So I'm asking anyone who feels the same way I do call the Board at Moreno Valley Unified School District and complain with phone calls, emails or letters. One voice makes a ripple but more voices makes waves.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Beginning 6th grade..what a nightmare

My son is attending Sunnymead Middle in Moreno Valley and his teacher basically does nothing in the classroom, I heard rumors and stories by other parents about Mr. Hansen, so I toke it upon myself to observe his class on a daily basis...and I don't like what I see. The stories are true, he does nothing, he just wonders around the room looking busy and stretches "circle time" for an hour and "music time" for 30 min. No IEP's are done except for my son he gets attention on some of his IEP's because I sit in the class room to observe.
The aides are wonderful but they are helpless do to Mr. Hansens's non-leadership and guidance with the students, no communication or orde is in that class. I have voiced my concerns to the special education department and to the principle and even though they are giving him another chance by showing him the tools and giving him support Mr. Hansen still choses to do what he wants to do regardless of what anyone says.
Five years of complaints and five years of getting away with murder. Just baffles my mind as to why the district still sits on their "butt" and does nothing about it, you can't fix what is broken and this has been broken too long.